오늘은 날씨가 흐린 것 같아요. It looks like it will be cloudy today. oh neul eun nal shi gah heu rin gut kat ah yo.
왠지 기분이 좋은 것 같아요. Somehow he seems to feel good. waen ji gi boon ee joh eun gut kat ah yo.
병원에 입원한 적이 있어요. I have been hospitalized. byung won eh ip won han juk ee it ssuh yo.
한복을 입은 적이 있어요. I have worn Korean clothes. han bok eul ip eul juk ee it ssuh yo.
그 산이 얼마나 높은지 몰라요. The mountain is very high. geu san ee ul ma na noh peun ji mol la yo.
졸업한 지 2년이 되었어요. It has been 2 years since I graduated. jol up han ji 2 nyun ee dwi ut ssuh yo.
그 나무를 심은 지 4년이 지났어요. It has been 4 years since I planted the tree. gey na mu rul shim eun ji 4 nyun ee ji nat ssuh yo.
내 친구는 몸이 약한 편입니다. My friend's health is rather weak. nae chin gu neun mom ee yak han pyun im ni da.
그 강은 넓은 편입니다. The river is rather wide. geu kang eun nul peun pyun im ni da.
비싼데도 많이 샀어요. I bought it a lot even though it was expensive. bi ssan deh do manni sat ssuh yo.
키가 작은데도 운동을 잘해요. Though small, he is good at sports. ki gah jak eun deh do woon dong eul jal hae yo.
배가 많이 아픈 척했어요. I pretended that I had a serious stomachache. pae gah manni ah peun chuk haet ssuh yo.
슬프지만 괜찮은 척했어요. I pretended to be fine, although I was sad. seul peu ji man gwaen chan eun chuk haet ssuh yo.
친구가 나를 못 본 체했습니다. My friend acted as if he didn't see me. chin gu gah na reul mot bon che haet seum ni da.
그 책을 읽은 체했어요. I pretended that I'd read the book. geu chaek reul il kun che haet ssuh yo.
이제 다 이긴 셈입니다. I suppose that we won now. ee jeh da ee kim sehm im ni da.
친구한테서 선물을 받은 셈이 되었습니다. I admit that I got a present from my friend. chin gu han teh suh sun mool eul bat eun sehm ee dwi ut seum ni da.
금방 끝날 것 같습니까? Do you think that it will be over soon? keum bang ggeut nal gut kat seum ni kka?
그 옷은 작을 것 같아요. The clothes seem to be small. geu oht eun jak eul gut kat ah yo.
시험에 떨어질 지 몰라요. I may fail the exam/I'm afraid I might fail the exam. si hum eh ddul uh jil ji mol la yo.
이번 겨울은 추울 지 몰라요. I'm not sure, but this winter may be cold. ee bun kyuh ool eun chu ool ji mol la yo.
단풍이 들 때 여행을 갑시다. Let's go on a trip when the leaves turn. dan poong ee deul ddae yo haeng eul kab shi da.
시간이 많을 때 그 일을 끝냅시다. Let's get the work done when we have enough time. shi gan ee mahn eul ddae geu il eul ggeut naep shi da.
내가 도와 줄 걸 그랬어요. I should have helped (them.) nae gah do wah jool gul geu laet ssuh yo.
내가 집에 남을 걸 그랬어요. I should have stayed home. nae gah chib eh nam eul gul geu laet ssuh yo.
소나기가 올 것처럼 하늘이 흐립니다. The sky is gray, as if it is about to rain. so na gi gah ol gut chuh rum ha neul ee geu rib ni da.
많이 먹을 것처럼 음식을 가득 담았어요. I took a lot of food, as if I will eat a lot. manni muk eul gut chuh rum eum shik eul gah deuk tam aht ssuh yo.
구두가 비쌀까봐 값을 묻지 않았어요. I didn't ask about the price for fear that the shoes will be expensive. gu doo gah bi ssal gga bwa kab teul mot ji ahn aht ssuh yo.
도둑맞을까봐 조심했어요. I took cautions it will be stolen. do dook mat eul gga bwa jo shim haet ssuh yo.
회사를 그만 다닐까 합니다. I am thinking about leaving the company. hee sah rul geu man da nil kka ham ni da.
정원에 감나무를 심을까 합니다. I am thinking about planting a persimmon tree in the garden. jung won eh gam na moo rul shim eul kka ham ni da.
그 영화는 한번 볼 만합니다. The movie is worthy of seeing. geu yong hwa neun han bun bol man ham ni da.
그 음식은 먹을 만합니다. Eating this food is worth while. geu eum shik eun muk eul man ham ni da.
뛰다가 넘어질 뻔했어요. I nearly feel down while running. ddwi da gah num uh jil bbun haet ssuh yo.
놀라서 커피를 쏟을 뻔했어요. I nearly spilled a cup of coffee out of surprise. nol la suh cuh pi rul ssot eul bbun haet ssuh yo.
이젠 한국말로 편지를 쓸 정도가 되었어요. Now I have reached to the extent where I can write a letter in Korean. ee jehn han guk mal ro pyun ji reul sseul jung do gah dwi ut ssuh yo.
아기가 혼자 걸을 정도로 컸어요. The baby has grown so much that he can walk alone. ah gi gah hon ja gul eul jung do ro kut ssuh yo.
편지를 보낼 테니(까) 꼭 답장을 쓰세요. Now that I am sending you a letter, please answer. pyun ji reul bo nael teh ni (kka) ggok tab jang eul sseu seh yo.
음식이 뜨거울 테니(까) 주의하세요. The food could be hot, so be careful. eum shik ee ddeu guh ool teh ni (kka) joo..e ha se yo.
수영 전에는 준비 운동을 할 필요가 있어요. You need to do a warm-up exercise before swimming. soo yong jun eh neun joon bi woon dong eul hal pil yo gah it ssuh yo.
이것은 다시 씻을 필요가 없습니다. There is no need to wash this again. ee gut eun dasi ssit eul pil yo gah op seum ni da.
눈이 내릴 때마다 그 사람 생각이 납니다. Every time is snows, I am reminded of that man. nun ee nae ril ddae ma dah geu saram saeng gak ee nap ni da.
더울 때마다 아이스크림을 먹었어요. I used to eat ice-cream whenever it was hot. duh ool ddae ma dah ah ee seu keu rim eul muk ut ssuh yo.
바빠서 쉴래도 쉴 수가 없어요. I was so busy that I could not take a rest no matter how much I wanted to. ba bba suh shwil lae do shwil soo gah op suh yo.
사람이 많아서 앉을래도 앉을 수가 없어요. There are so many people that, no matter how I try, I can't sit down. saram ee man ah suh ahn jeul lae do ahn jeul soo gah op suh yo.
곧 아기가 태어날 모양입니다. It seems that a baby is going to be born soon. got ah gi gah tae uh nal mo yang im ni da.
여기서 기념 사진을 찍을 모양입니다. It seems that they will take a souvenir picture here. yo gi suh ki nyum sajin eul jjik eul mo yang im ni da.
꼭 성공하기를 바랄 뿐입니다. All I hope is for you to succeed. ggok sung kong ha gi reul ba ral bbun im ni da.
가직 않고 전화만 했을 뿐입니다. I didn't go, but just gave a phone call. gah jik ahn go chun hwa man haet eul bbun im ni da.
컴퓨터를 필 수 있습니다. I can use the computer. kum pyu tuh reul pil soo it seum ni da.
한자를 읽을 수 있어요? Can you read Chinese character? han ja reul il geul soo it ssuh yo?
그 사람이 대퉁령이 될 수도 있어요. The man might become the president. geu saram ee dae toong ryung ee dwil soo do it ssuh yo.
지금 가면 기차표가 없을 수도 있습니다. If you go now, there might not be a train ticket. ji geum ga myun gi cha pyo gah op eul soo do it seum ni da.
아이들이 많아서 시끄러울 수밖에 없어요. There are many children, so it can't help but be noisy. ah ee deul ee man ah suh shi ggeu ruh ool soo bak eh op suh yo.
밥이 없어서 굶을 수밖에 없어요. There is no rice, so we have no choice but to go hungry. bap ee op suh suh gool eul su bak eh op suh yo.
이제 곧 소식을 들을 텐데요. Soon you will hear some news. ee jeh got so shik eul deul eul ten deh yo.
병이 곧 나을 텐데 걱정하지 마세요. You will recover your health soon, so don't worry. byung ee got na eul ten deh guk jung ha ji ma se yo.
피곤해서 쓰러질 지경이에요. I'm so tired that I may fall down. pi gon hae suh sseu ruh jil ji kyung ee eh yo.
너무 무서워서 소름이 돋을 지경입니다. It is so scary that it may give me gooseflesh. nuh moo mu suh wuh suh so reum ee dot eul ji kyung im ni da.
여기서 사세요? Do you live here? yo gi suh sah se yo?
어디 가세요? Where are you going? uh di gah se yo?
뭐 하세요? What are you doing? mwuh ha se yo?
너무 추워요. It's so cold. nuh moo chu wuh yo.
너무 더워요. It's so hot.nuh moo duh wuh yo.
당신의 사진 좀 찍어도 될까요? Can I take a photo (of you)? dang sin..e sajin jom jjik uh do dwil kka yo?
이걸 뭐라고 불러요? What's this called? ee gul mwuh ra go bool luh yo?
이곳은 너무나 좋네요. It's great here. ee got eun nuh moo nah joh neh yo.
당신도 기다리고 계세요? Are you waiting too? dang sin do ki dah ri go kye seh yo?
여행하러 오셨어요? Are you here on holiday? yo haeng ha ruh oh syutt ssuh yo?
.... 왔어요. I'm here ..... .... waht ssuh yo
여행하러 for a holiday yo haeng ha ruh
사업 때문에 on business sah up ddae mun eh
고부하러 to study go boo ha ruh
여기에 얼마동안 계실 거에요? How long are you here for? yo gi eh ul ma dong ahn gye shil guh eh yo?
.... 달/일 동안 있을거에요. I'm/We're here for .... weeks/days. ....dal/il dong ahn it eul guh eh yo.
이곳이 마음에 들어요? Do you like it here? ee got ee ma eum eh deul uh yo?
너무나 마음에 들어요. I/We like it here very much. nuh moo nah ma eum eh deul uh yo.
물론이죠. Sure. mool lon ee jyo
잠깐만요. Just a minute. jam kkan mahn yo.
괜찮아요. It's ok. gwaen chan ah yo.
중요해요. It's important. joong yo hae yo.
중요하지 많아요. It's not important. joong yo ha ji mahn ah yo.
저것 보세요! Look at that! guh gut bo se yo!
이것 보세요! Look at this! ee gut bo se yo!
준비 됐어요. I'm ready. joon bi dwae ssuh yo.
준비 됐어요? Are you ready? joon bi dwae ssuh yo?
행운을 빌어요. Good luck. haeng oon eul bil uh yo.
어디서 오셨어요? Where are you from? uh di suh oh syutt ssuh yo?
...에서 왔어요. I'm/We're from ... ...eh suh waht ssuh yo
호주 Australia [ho joo]
캐나다 Canada [kae na da]
영국 England [yong guk]
유럽 Europe [yoo rup]
독일 Germany [dok il]
아일랜드 Ireland [ah il laen deu]
일본 Japan i[l bon]
뉴질랜드 New Zealand [nyu jil laen deu]
필리핀 The Philipines [pil li pin]
러시아 Russia [ruh shi ah]
스코들랜드 Scotland [seu ko deul laen deu]
미국 The USA [mi guk]
웨일스 Wales [weh il seu]
한국 Korea [han guk]
중국 China [joong guk]
죄송합니다. 우리나라에서는 그렇게 하지 않거든요. I'm sorry. It's not the custom in my country. cho song ham ni da. woo ri nah ra eh suh neun geu ruh ke haji ahn guh deun yo.
오해하지는 마세요. I don't want to offend you. oh hae haji neun ma se yo.
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